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LEOTC - Learning experiences outside the classroom. Ministry of Education.

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– Ka Hikitia – Ka Hāpaitia | The Māori Education Strategy

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The National Education and Learning Priorities

The National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) provide guidance on government priorities for the education sector.

More information on how this applies to ELC

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The Children’s Act (2014) - a reminder

Providers, schools and kura must have only police-vetted staff working directly with ākonga, and have policies in place in accordance with the Children’s Act 2014

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ELC providers

We have 72 Enriching Local Curriculum (ELC) providers across Aotearoa New Zealand. All of them are keen to work with teachers and kaiako to tailor learning experiences designed to enrich your local curriculum.

ELC providers services are for ākonga from early learning, schools, and kura.

See full list of providers

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COVID-19 Protection Framework

More information

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What is ELC?

Enriching Local Curriculum (ELC) — formerly known as Learning Experiences Outside the Classroom (LEOTC) — supports community organisations to draw on local resources and expertise, to provide our tamariki with authentic, hands-on/minds-on learning experiences that complement the New Zealand Curriculum, Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, and Te Whāriki. Providers and schools work in partnership to run educational programmes for ākonga in early learning services (0-6 years of age), state and integrated schools and kura, and registered private schools in years 1-13.

An Enriching Local Curriculum experience might look like many things. Some classes might go on a trip to the local marae to learn about tikanga or the aquarium to complement their in-class learning on sea life. Or the learning may take place virtually with an online interactive experience. Or it may be a combination of these.

The Ministry of Education wants to provide learning that is equitable and accessible to all. We are encouraging a wider range of providers so iwi, Pacific communities, and other local organisations can participate and enrich students’ learning. ELC programmes have meaningful bicultural partnerships with key mana whenua knowledge holders, to improve educational outcomes, particularly for ākonga Māori. We support every learner, including disabled, neurodiverse, gifted, and those at risk of disengaging from education.

All programmes use some level of te reo Māori to support our national identity. Programmes for Māori Medium education programmes are delivered in te reo Māori, supporting language proficiency.

Unlike LEOTC, ELC programmes are not divided into subject areas. Rather, they are experiences that support broad curriculum outcomes.

We intend to strengthen the use of technology to enhance curriculum learning experiences: learning can happen any time, any place, including before, during, and following “real” experiences.

ELC vs LEOTC: Why have we changed? 

Enriching Local Curriculum is the new-and-improved version of Learning Experiences Outside the Classroom. We have changed LEOTC to support the changing Education system.

We have developed ELC to support the NZ Curriculum (and later Te Marautanga o Aotearoa) refresh, Te Whāriki, align with Te Tiriti o Waitangi and our wider Education Work Programme, including Ka Hikitia – Ka Hāpaitia, the Action Plan for Pacific Education, and the Learning Support Action Plan.

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