Activities, ideas, tools
Te toia,
Te haumataia
Launching a canoe (Anticipation and excitement are part of the launching – but nothing can be achieved without a plan, a workforce, and a way of doing things.)

This page will help you to find activities, ideas and tools introduced in the EOTC in Action pages.
Activity | Description | Learning Area | Curriculum Level | Downloads |
Build a tree | An experiential activity that uses role play to illustrate the structure and function of a tree and the relationships between different parts of a tree and living things (including people) and the need for action to maintain a natural resource. | Integrated, health and physical education, science, English, the arts | 2–7 |
Building language using the outdoors | Activities with a language focus that can be conducted in the school grounds or any other safe outdoor setting. | Integrated, English, science | 2–4 |
Cooking on a methylated spirit fuelled stove | How to use a methylated spirit fuelled (Trangia) stove safely. | Integrated, health and physical education, technology. | 4–8 |
Decision making matrix | A matrix for ranking actions that could be undertaken using criteria that students create. | Integrated | 1–8 |
Diversity dash | Learning about the extent of biodiversity in and possible influences on, a specific habitat or place. | Integrated, science, English | 1–7 |
Finding north using the sun | Finding direction with the sun involving numeracy, observational, and problem solving skills. | Integrated, health and physical education, science, mathematics, technology | 2–8 |
Finding south using the stars | Use star charts to identify stars and learning how to use the Southern Cross to find south involving numeracy, observational, and problem solving skills. | Integrated, health and physical education, science, mathematics, technology | 2–8 |
Food web tug | Develops students’ understanding on the the interdependence of organisms in an ecosystem. | Integrated, science | 3–8 |
How we use shade in our school | Can be completed as a social action inquiry. Students investigate and provide solutions to do with the importance of shade. | Integrated, health and physical education, science, mathematics, social sciences, English, technology. | 2–7 |
Introduction to map reading | Develops students’ ability to interpret maps and relate topographic features to the physical environment, and physical features to the topographic image. | Integrated, health and physical education, science, mathematics, technology | 3–8 |
Is our play in the school grounds safe play and fair play? | Can be completed as a social action inquiry. Students investigate and provide solutions to do with the importance of safe and fair play. | Integrated, health and physical education, social science, mathematics, English, technology. | 2–7 |
Meerkat hopscotch game | A hopscotch-style activity. Understanding barriers/threats to meerkat survival and suggesting enablers that could counteract barriers/threats. Practise coordination through hopscotch activity. | Integrated, health and physical education, science, social sciences | 2–7 |
Music makers | Compose and perform a piece of music with materials found in nature. | Integrated, health and physical education, the arts, technology | 1–8 |
Observation skills for navigation | Develops students’ observation skills. Develops students’ understanding that navigation is about being aware of the surroundings and where they have travelled. | Integrated, health and physical education, science, mathematics, social sciences, the arts, technology | 3–8 |
One fish two fish few fish dead fish | An experiential game based on Possum Picnic (a type of add-on tag) to illustrate predator/prey or fisher/fish relationships. | Integrated, Health and PE, Science, Social science, Technology | 2–8 |
Pack it in pack it out – an investigation into waste | Explores a visual representation of the time it takes for various materials to break down and consider the implications of this when visiting the outdoors. | Integrated, Health and PE, Science, Mathematics, Social sciences, English, Technology | 2–7 |
Penguin hopscotch game | A hopscotch-style activity. Understand barriers/threats to penguin survival.Suggest enablers that could counteract barriers/threats. Practise coordination through hopscotch activity. | Integrated, Health and PE, Science, Social sciences | 2–7 |
Post camp reflection activity – a camp presentation | Presentation ideas for students to reflect on camp experiences, develop writing, PowerPoint and communication skills, and develop confidence presenting in front of an audience. | Integrated, Health and PE, Science, Mathematics, Social sciences, Arts, English, Technology | 3–8 |
Reflection activities | Activities you can use to encourage your students to reflect on their learning. | Integrated, Health and PE, Science, Mathematics, Social sciences, Arts, English, Technology | 1–8 |
Rock-climbing and abseiling log book | This log book forms part of the requirements for unit standards: 20210 (v1) Experience rock climbing, 20152 (v1) Experience and complete abseiling sessions. | Health and physical education | 6–7 |
Safe as…Behavoiur log | This log book forms part of the requirements for for PE Achievement Standard 90968 (PE 1.7): Demonstrate and describe responsible behaviour for safety during Outdoor Education activities. | Health and physical education | 6–7 |
Short activities | Some short activities that don’t need any equipment, can be used just because they are fun, to get students energised, or to get students to think about and discuss how they work together or are approaching a problem they are trying to solve. | Integrated | 5–8 |
Soil dig | Learning what lives in the soil by exploring different soil samples from around the school grounds. | Integrated, science, technology | 2–5 |
Sound log | To consider the sounds in a particular environment and think about what affect different sounds have on us. | Integrated, science, mathematics, social sciences, English, the arts | 1–7 |
Sustainable cities: Action planner | A template for the aspects required for planning an action. | Integrated, health and physical education, science, mathematics, social sciences, English, the arts, technology | 3–8 |
Sustainable cities: Framework for a SWOT analysis | A template of a SWOT chart (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). | Integrated, health and physical education, science, mathematics, social sciences, English, the arts, technology | 3–8 |
Sustainable cites: Log book | A log book suggestion for students doing a sustainable cities study based on Education for Sustainability achievement standard 90810. | Integrated, health and physical education, social sciences, technology | 6–8 |
Sustainable cities: Mentors memorandum of understanding | An MOU for students, teachers and community mentors involved in a sustainable cities study based on Education for Sustainability achievement standard 90810. | Integrated, health and physical education, social sciences, technology | 6–8 |
Sustainable cities: Task checklist | A project task checklist for students doing a sustainable cities study based on Education for Sustainability achievement standard 90810. | Integrated, health and physical education, social sciences, technology | 6–8 |
Treasure hunt | An activity involving spending time in the outdoors observing what is happening and working cooperatively to achieve a task and finding shapes and textures in the environment. | Integrated, science, mathematics, social sciences, English, the arts | 1–4 |
Year 9 camp Learning journal example | A learning journal with a strong emphasis upon reflection, environmental care, Maori aspects of the outdoors, sensory awareness, group dynamics, goal setting and processing, and safety management. | Integrated, health and physical education, science, mathematics, social sciences, English, the arts, technology. | 4–5 |
Short Filmmaking module | A complete module that offers a resource that will enable teachers to prepare and facilitate a project that uses the process of short filmmaking to explore possible meanings and interpretations of selected whakataukī. (Whakataukī: traditional Māori proverbs) | Integrated | 4–8 | Filmmaking Modules |
Engaging creatively with locality module | This module provides an interactive resource to help teachers prepare and lead a project that uses Ngā Toi/the Arts to engage creatively with the geographic, cultural and spiritual dimensions of a specific site (outside the classroom). | Integrated | 4–8 | Engaging Creatively with Locality Module |