EOTC in Action
Nau te rourou naku te rourou
Your basket and my basket
There is much excellent teaching and learning going on in New Zealand schools through EOTC. This section profiles case studies of good practice from a range of school levels and contexts. There are links within these case studies to the Activities, Ideas and Tools section.

Case studies
Case Study | Description | Learning Areas | Year | Curriculum Level | Downloads |
A reward experience – using EOTC to broaden student experiences. | A Porirua school that takes students out of school for the afternoon to participate in a reward experience. | Integrated | Primary, intermediate | 1–4 | |
Building a showpiece garden. | Raumati South School, an Enviroschool that built a showpiece garden. | Integrated, science, technology, mathematics, visual arts | 6,7 | 3–4 |
Changes – a visit to the Botanic gardens. | A unit based on the big idea or understanding of change, through the context of seasons. | Integrated, English, the arts, science | 2 | 1–2 |
Children of Tāne in our school. | Play in the autumn leaves: an integrated unit of work. | Integrated, literacy, education for sustainability, EOTC, science | 1 | 1–2 |
Cross-curricular year 9 and 10 Education for Enterprise in the Waimea Inlet. | Year 9 and 10 cross-curricular study of Waimea Inlet within e4e and GATE programmes. | Integrated | 9,10 | 5 | |
E Tu – using tapa cloth to show who we are. | Tapa cloth making and Te Papa visit around broad theme of E Tu – standing tall. | Visual arts, mathematics, social sciences | 7,8 | 3–5 |
EOTC at "our place" – a journey of discovery about place-based learning. | Mount Maunganui College has taken a co-ordinated approach to outdoor education experiences building a sequential programme that focuses on students having experiences that build the core values of the school. | Integrated | 9,10 | 4–6 | |
EOTC on the sports field – participating positively. | A Porirua school that runs school sports teams. | Integrated | Primary, intermediate | 1–4 |
Let’s all paddle in unison. | Kia kotahi ai te hoe o te waka, Let’s all paddle in unison – authentic learning for students at Ngaruawahia High School. | Integrated | 9–13 | 4–8 |
Participating in a big multi-school performance. | A Porirua school that selects students to sing in a mass choir performance involving off-site visits. | Integrated, the arts (music) | Primary, intermediate | 1–4 |
Porirua – what was our place like in the past? | Bus trip and pre-/post- learning that focused on the history of Porirua. | Integrated, social science, the arts (drama), English | 5–6 | 2–4 |
Rock climbing – a school based year 11 outdoor education experience. | An Outdoor Education programme that enables students to obtain unit standards in skills like rock climbing, abseiling, kayaking, mountain biking and orienteering. | Integrated, health and physical education | 11 | 5–7 | |
Salisbury School - native garden establishment. | Special needs students who applied cross-curricular learning in the establishment of a native garden. | Integrated, social sciences, science, English, mathematics, the arts, health and physical education, technology | 9–12 | 3–7 |
Sustainable cities –senior Geography and Education for Sustainability. | Year 12 students worked with community mentors for achievement standard 90810. | Integrated, social sciences | 12 | 7 | |
Urban camp (in school grounds). | An outdoor education course with a large international student component undergoing an urban camping. | Integrated, health and physical education | 12 | 7–8 |
Using EOTC experiences to build leadership. | At Mount Maunganui College the focus for Year 13 is on making a contribution to the school and the local community. | Integrated | 13 | 7–8 | |
Year 11 river trip. | A sequenced programme: being confident and comfortable in the river environment. | Integrated, health and physical education | 11 | 5–7 |
Year 9 integrated camp –Possums, pests or possibilities. | Looks at the opportunities for learning across the curriculum by using a common theme or context to link several learning areas. | Integrated, English, languages, the arts, health and physical education | 9 | 4–5 |
Year 10 Outdoor education – bushcraft and tramping. | A five day camp with a choice between six different options that included two basecamp options and four tramping options of varying difficulty. | Integrated, health and physical education | 10 | 4–6 |
He hanga nā te waha o te ngutu nō mua iho anō-authentic learning for students at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Whānau Tahi | A five day journey to Otepoti (Dunedin) that was the culmination of two terms of learning. All areas of the curriculum were integrated into this learning experience. | Integrated | 4–8 | 2–5 |