Tairawhiti - Gisborne
He Awa Ora, He Tai Ora, Healthy Rivers, Living Sea Education Trust - Te Mahi o Taiao Limited
The team from Nga Mahi Te Taiao deliver marine and freshwater outdoor education programs to all school year groups within the Gisborne region. They are the regional coordinators for the "Experiencing Marine Reserves" and "Whitebait Connection" programmes. This may involve a school term focus investigating the stream health at a site of significance, learning new water safety and snorkelling skills to explore a local reef (including Te Tapuwae o Rongokako Marine Reserve), or a year-long focus on discovering the importance of our natural resources from the mountains to the sea. They work with you to create a program that will benefit your tamariki and rangatahi.
- Website: He Awa Ora He Tai Ora
- Email: [email protected]
Tairāwhiti Voyaging Trust
Tōnui Collab Charitable Trust
Tairawhiti Museum - Gisborne Museum of Art and History Trust
At Tairāwhiti Museum our aim is to deliver rich learning opportunities that promote a better understanding of our inherent uniqueness, diverse histories, communities and cultures in the Tairawhiti region and beyond. They provide unique learning experiences that complement and enrich the learning that students experience in the classroom setting. Learning pathways are designed to be informative and interactive, with tours and workshops led by teacher trained museum education specialists.
Website: Tairāwhiti Museum Education
Email: [email protected]
The Longbush Ecological Trust
Te Runanga O Turanganui A Kiwa (TROTAK)
House of Science NZ
House of Science (HoS) has been delivering quality, hands-on science resources and teacher PLD to NZ primary and intermediate schools for many years. Materials are completely bi-lingual ensuring no school or kura is excluded. HoS is well placed to enrich classroom learning through supplementary student experiences that provide broad learning opportunities. The HoS ELC programme is tailored to enhance science learning in a local context. Please note schools need to be House of Science members to access the HoS ELC support.
- Website: House of Science
- Email: [email protected]
Also see Hawke's Bay providers