Providers by region
- National
- Te Tāi Tokerau
- Auckland
- Waikato
- Bay of Plenty - Wairariki
- Tairawhiti - Gisborne
- Hawke’s Bay
- Manawatu/Whanganui
- Taranaki
- Wellington
- Nelson/Marlborough/Tasman
- West Coast
- Canterbury - Chatham Islands
- Otago
- Southland

ELC providers provide services for ākonga from early learning, schools, and kura that:
- align with Te Whāriki and the New Zealand Curriculum and/or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. As these are refreshed and implemented, there is a stronger focus on wellbeing, identities, languages, cultures, and Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories.
- draw on community resources to access local knowledge and iwi knowledge
- reduce barriers (including socio-economic barriers) to participation, including through better engaging Māori ākonga and Pacific ākonga.
- enable all learners to use some level of Māori language skills to support our national identity. Learners in Māori Medium education will be able to use high levels of Māori language proficiency as they undertake their learning through te reo Māori.
- support every learner, including neurodiverse and gifted and those at risk of disengaging from education.
- provide authentic, interactive learning experiences that complement and enhance curriculum learning that reflect the current needs of early learning services, schools, kura and their learners. Learning can be virtual and real experiences (and blended), at early learning services, school, in the playground, and at marae, museums, galleries and natural spaces.
Please contact providers you are interested in working with.
To arrange an Enriching Local Curriculum experience for your school, use the map to find what is available in your region. Providers' contact details are available in the regional lists.